弊社は、2018年11月20日(火)15時00分〜、城山トラストタワーで行われる「TechBIZKON II: Artificial Intelligence」にて、AIをテーマに代表河野が登壇いたします。

・名称:TechBIZKON II: Artificial Intelligence
(東京都港区虎ノ門4丁目3−1 城山トラストタワー)
15:00 Registration starts
15:30 Opening remarks/greetings by organizers
Keynote on Best Practices in AI :
“Managing Scientific and Technological Transfer”
Prof. Dr. Prof. h.c. Andreas Dengel
Scientific Director of the German Research Center for AI (DFKI) &
Professor for Computer Science at the University of Kaiserslautern
Europe as a prime destination for startups from Asia, Mag. Sabine Stummer, Tokyo Rep. of the Austrian Business Agency
16:20 Keynote Tadaaki Kimura
CEO & Founder of addlight Inc.
16:50 Coffee break
17:20 Startup pitching competition (winners will receive a booth at Hannover Messe 2019 or the Pioneers Festival 2019)
CACH Inc. (Japan)
Wireless AI accelerometer cach-inc.com
COGNITEE Inc. (Japan)
Analytical tools for assessing sales talks, presentations, interviews, and other forms of  communication quantitatively cognitee.com
E-bot7 (Germany)
Automated customer service through AI e-bot7.de/en
Edison AI Inc. (Japan)
Social media analytics using image recognition edison.ai
Evolve (Austria)
Intelligent noise cancellation using AI evolve.tech
Holo-Light (Germany)
AI-based mixed reality infrastructure solutions www.holo-light.com
Holoeyes (Japan)
Cutting-edge VR technology for communication in the healthcare profession holoeyes.jp
Mon Style / AskSophie (Austria)
App for individualized fashion recommendation using AI asksophie.io
MostlyAI (Austria)
AI generates privacy-protected customer data by big data utilization mostly.ai
NVISO SA (Switzerland)
Deep learning application that understands humans: Face emotion and body pose recognition for  finance, automotive and healthcare nviso-insights.com
PriceHubble AG (Switzerland)
AI applied to real estate valuation, predictions and visualization pricehubble.com
19:15 Networking cocktail & individual talks with startups
20:30 Winner announcement of pitching competition
German Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Japan
Advantage Austria Tokyo
Swiss Business Hub Japan
Creww Inc.